Isis - lurecoursing and racing Isis - developing Isis - pedigree

Czech Champion
Czech Juniorchampion
Dabka´s Isis (imp.Sweden)
mother of my "AMBASSADOR" A - litter
BIS, 4xBOB, 2xCACIB, res.CACIB, 11xCAC, res.CAC, Specialty Sighthound winner 2009, Junior Club winner, Best Junior, Specialty Puppy BIS, Best Puppy, Cruft´s nomination 2011
Isis has Lure coursing and racing license + she is heart tested with normal result!
Breeder: Anders + Liz-Marie Persson
15.3. 2008 - 30.8.2021
Isis is our first saluki and to have a saluki was the best idea of my life. Thanks to Liz and Anders to let us own this wonderful, noble, wild, proud and very lovable princess Isis.
Isis je naše první saluki a musím říci, že pořídit si saluki byl nejlepší nápad v mém životě. Mnohokrát děkujeme, Liz a Andersi že jsme od vás dostali naší báječnou, vznešenou, divokou, pyšnou a roztomilou princeznu Isis.

and look at her two sisters - Ishana
and Izzie 

Christmas 2008 Sofie and Isis

Christmas 2008

Isis 5,5 months

Isis almost 3 months 3,5 months 4 months

6,5 weeks 6,5 weeks