Sophia lurecoursing and racing Sophia - developing Sophia - pedigree
Czech Junior Champion
Czech Champion
Tazi Bint Sofe Et Aurum "Sofe"
(imp.USA, Michigan)
Central European winner 2011, BOB, CACIB, 5xCAC, 3xCAJC, 2xJunior BOB
Sofe has Lure coursing and racing license
Breeder: Dr. Mary Dee Sist DVM + Nancy Badra
29.6. 2009 - 15.12. 2019
"Sophia" burst into our life like a storm. We didn´t know, if MaryDee, "Sophia´s" breeder will choose to secede from her, for a long time. But when she made this decision, our small "Black Beauty" arrived to our house in very short time. She looks like sweet, innocent puppy, but don´t her sweet looks fool you. Inside she is Jen Araby through and through - proud, strong, willful, highly intelligent, but very loving and fun. Thanks MaryDee for trust and Nancy a Phillip for loving care in "Sophia´s" late time in USA.
"Sophia" vtrhla do našeho života jako vichřice. Dlouho jsme nevěděli, jestli se MaryDee, "Sophiina chovatelka, bude ochotna od ní odloučit. Ale když už toto rozhodnutí učinila, přiletěla naše "Černá krasavice" k nám domů ve velmi krátkém čase. Vypadá jako sladké, nevinné štěně, ale nenechte se ošálit jejím sladkým vzhledem. Uvnitř je to Jen Araby skrz naskrz - pyšná, silná, vysoce inteligntní, ale velmi milující a zábavná. Díky MaryDee za důvěru a Nancy a Phillipovi za milující péči o "Sophii" během posledních dní jejího pobytu v USA.
Sofe´s brother Bahir 14 months

Saluki Club of America National Specialty June 2010

Tazi Bikr Men Basra - BOS in the Sweepstakes 9 - 12 puppy class
which means that he was the second best of all the pups in sweepstakes (more than 80 entries)
Tazi-Starlite's Baraqati As-Samaa'u -
Tazi Bahir Of Scenario -

Tazi Bahrain Ben Arukh -

Tazi Biannah - Sweepstakes 9 - 12 puppy bitch class

Tazi Bahir of Scenario - Reserve Best in Futurity (9 - 12 months, 80 entries)
Tazi Ayoua Be'Tiyee

Tazi-Starlite's Baraqati As-Samaa'u -
Let us introduce Sofe´s another brother Tazi Bahir of Scenario at the age of almost 7 months
Ráda bych vám představila Sofena dalšího bratra Tazi Bahir of Scenario ve věku 7 měsíců

We are very proud of Sofe´s brother "Flash" Tazi-Starlite Baraqati As-Samaa´u - he went Best Of Breed (in 6mos and 1 week) over a special (finished champion) who was Best of Winners at the 2009 National Speciality.
Jsme hrdí na Sofena bratra "Flashe" Tazi-Starlite Baraqati As-Samaa´u , který získal titul BOB (ve věku pouhých 6ti měsů a jednoho týdne) a porazil vítěze Best of Winners (šampiona) z National Speciality 2009.
Sophia 3 months old
just after arrival